Monday 9 March 2009

Long Qing Ice Festival

About 60kms north west of Beijing lies the Long Qing gorge.
Steep cliffs, a dam and a lake.
In summer a place for boating, climbing and hiking.
In winter, Long Qing is home to an ice festival - Beijing's answer to Harbin - a bizarre display of large and small illuminated ice sculptures sitting at the bottom of the gorge in a massive tent.
See the Forbidden City in ice. See goldfish and assorted sea creatures trapped in an ice world.

Long Qing is also home to the largest dragon encased escalator in the the world (or maybe China; or Beijing; or north of Beijing?) - it is used to get to the top of the dam and to the lake. Coming down is a walk or for 20RMB you can do it on a toboggan.

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