Friday 21 March 2008

Building across the road

We have enjoyed open views - west, towards the Drum Tower - across downtown Beijing from our apartment for the last year. Partly because of a large, tree filled, empty lot across the street. But we knew to expect the worst when the trees were all cut down a few months ago. One morning we awoke to find the bulldozers and cranes had moved in and the building work had begun. Not sure what they are building - offices and apartments are the favourites here - but I'm sure we'll find out soon. Building work is a 24 x 7 activity in Beijing so the lot is being transformed daily before our eyes. The huts in the foreground are the on-site accommodation for the out-of-town migrant workers that make up the majority of Beijing's construction workers.

Looks like we will be in for a spring and summer of dust, noise and scaffolding. And what about the view?

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